Burgers are defined by Merriam Webster as fried sandwiches made of meat or other foods that are shaped into a round, flat shape and are sandwiched between two bread rolls. Ever wonder what the best burger is in the whole state of Florida?
We have some answers. I love eating hamburgers. A medium-rare burger with cheese, lettuce, and some ketchup is my favorite. Americans love burgers, whether they’re eaten on the go or at a backyard BBQ. They are juicy, delicious, and go well with fries. As a result of Food & Wine, we now know where to find the best burger in Florida – just down the road in Miami.
Now if you’re looking locally, Brook’s Burgers is my spot. I love the pesto and goat cheese. I know, sounds gross, but really. Try it.
The following list includes classic, straight-shooting burgers and the old-school establishments that are still making some of the best burgers. Since a lot of us are from other parts of the country and we travel a lot, below are some Southeast and Eastcoast favorites as well since a lot of us still have family up there. Did your favorite burger make it to the number one spot in the state? Let us know.
Much love to Alexis in North Carolina for forwarding along this list.